Author: rayk

  • Absenteeism is bad for all of us.

    Absenteeism is bad for all of us.

    Recently, there has been a great deal of attention given to the problem of workplace absenteeism. According to the most recent information from Statistics Canada, the average Canadian worker was away from work for the equivalent of almost two weeks in a year. Those 9.3 days lost translate to 2.4% of gross annual payroll, or…

  • Selkirk College Student’s Union

    Selkirk College Student’s Union

    In 1981, students from Selkirk College join others from institutions across the country to form the Canadian Federation of Students. The Federation is your union, it exists to make post-secondary education better and … (to read more follow the link below) Selkirk College Student’s Union

  • Ladder Safety

    Ladder Safety

    Ladders are common but also dangerous Ladders are one of the most commonly used pieces of equipment on a work site. Did you know they can also be one of the most dangerous? Falls are the most frequently occurring and costly accidents in the construction sector, and falls from ladders are the most costly. From…

  • safety – lockout

    safety – lockout

    every jobsite where you are potentially exposed to live equipment ,should implement a lock-out procedure to ensure that you are protected from electrocution hazards. this is a guide from worksafe, your site may be somewhat different ,but should be in compliance. if it is not ,contact the hall, and talk to your supervisor.

  • Union Strength is up to You

    Union Strength is up to You

    Labour Day warning: If you want your union and your rights in the workplace, you’d better be prepared to fight to keep them By David J. Climenhaga | September 5, 2011 PrintWrite to editor Support rabble Corrections This Labour Day in Canada, unions and the fundamental right of working people to be represented by them…

  • Drug and Alcohol policy

    Drug and Alcohol Policy By now most, if not all of you are aware that the Building Trades and CLRA have implemented a jointly negotiated D&A policy. We have all seen the increase in D&A testing in other jurisdictions with that requirement driven by the owner. It is the BCYT’s intent in actively participating in…